
What To Know About EPA Protocol Gases

Released on October 19, 2020

EPA Protocol Gases are defined by the EPA as “compressed gases used to calibrate air pollution monitors for consistent and reliable monitoring.” The EPA has specific regulations on these gases in order to protect the environment while allowing companies to use the energy they need. Here’s what to know about EPA protocol gases.Why Do Companies Need EPA Protocol Gases? EPA protocol gases are us … Read More

The Different Types of Calibration Gas

Released on October 13, 2020

Calibration gases are vital to society. These gases are used as comparative mixtures; they make it possible for analytical instruments to read measurements accurately. Several aspects must be present for a mixture to be considered suitable for calibration. Many people may wonder how these mixtures differ. Learn here as we break down and examine the different types of calibration gas. What Is Calib … Read More

What To Look for in a Specialty Gas Supplier

Released on September 28, 2020

When looking for a specialty gas supplier, it is important to choose one that will support you through all your company’s needs. The manufacturing of calibration gas is a specific procedure with many steps. Every supplier evaluates the mixture you need, blends gases precisely, and tests the final gas mixture. What sets suppliers apart, then? The difference is in the assistance you receive, reliabl … Read More

Key Aspects To Know When Procuring and Using Calibration Gas

Released on September 15, 2020

A calibration gas has a very important purpose. Calibration gasses are made up of a mixture of gaseous components which are used to calibrate gas detection instruments. These instruments are what will be used to protect people in specific environments that may have unknown hazardous gasses. There are many specifics that you should be aware of when working with this kind of product. Here we will … Read More

4 Expert Tips for Handling Specialty Gases Equipment

Released on July 17, 2020

Modern-day industries and high-tech laboratories demand specialty gases with high purity levels and accuracy. Depending on the size and type, specialty gases cost anything between $100 and $3000.Gases are delicate and will need proper handling for safety. Although suppliers will sell to you compact cylinders and regulators, regular replacements are necessary. Read on to learn the best handlin … Read More

Calibration Gases: What Exactly Are They?

Released on July 14, 2020

When seeking out a calibration gas provider or specialty gas provider in general, it's important to understand not only what to look for in the provider, but in the gases themselves. There are of course misconceptions surrounding calibration gas and specialty gases, but a quick review of what they are will ensure that they are used correctly and that you actually are using a provider who … Read More