
How Specialty Gases Are Made

Released on April 22, 2021

Industrial businesses utilize everything from heat to water to air. The air in the earth's atmosphere holds dozens of elemental gases which technicians can purify and contain. Here is how specialty gases are made.Air Separation and PurificationMany specialty gas companies gather the air we breathe every single day. Depending on the scope and specialization of their industry, these facilities can b … Read More

How To Choose a Gas Regulator

Released on April 7, 2021

Gases are essential parts of many scientific processes, and they require careful management. Technicians must avoid low and high pressures and volumes of their gases. Otherwise, they could ruin their project or even blow it apart. Here is how to choose a gas regulator that fits your needs.What Gas Will You Use?The first step in choosing a gas regulator is knowing the exact type of gas you will use … Read More

A Guide To EPA Protocol Gases and Their Requirements

Released on March 17, 2021

The Environmental Protection Agency is responsible for ensuring consistent and sustainable measures in many industries, especially when it comes to calibration gases. Manufacturers must abide by EPA protocol gas standards, so it is critical for everyone involved to understand how they work. Here is a guide to EPA protocol gases and their requirements.What Is an EPA Protocol Gas?An EPA protocol gas … Read More

Most Common Mistakes Made in Gas Monitoring

Released on March 8, 2021

Gas monitoring is one of the most crucial duties an employee has when they work around specialty gases. If done right, equipment and the work environment remain safe and effective. If it’s done wrong, however, it can create a hazardous workplace, and equipment will not last as long, costing your company money. Be sure to train your employees well to avoid these most common mistakes made in ga … Read More

Understanding NIST Traceable Calibration

Released on February 15, 2021

When producing gas products, it’s vital that you test the quality of your products against the highest standards. This refers to the official measurements that have been developed by federal agencies to ensure all instruments needing calibration will measure accurately to guarantee safety. NIST traceable calibration provides an unbroken chain of measurement reliability. Learn why understanding NIS … Read More

How To Dispose of Calibration Gas Cylinders

Released on February 8, 2021

If you work in an industry that uses calibration gas, you likely have a plan for what to do with emptied calibration gas cylinders. What you do with them depends on state regulations, convenience, how often you need refills, and your company’s values. If you’re starting a new business or simply want to change your gas cylinder disposal protocols, read more on how to dispose of calibration gas cyli … Read More