What Are Secondary Reference Gas Mixtures? thumbnail image

What Are Secondary Reference Gas Mixtures?

MESA Gas - August 31, 2023

Secondary reference gas mixtures play a critical role in ensuring the accuracy and reliability of measurements in process control and analysis. These mixtures are tailor-made by expert calibration gas suppliers and provide high-quality and consistent solutions for many industries. We’ll dig deep into what secondary reference gas mixtures are, shed light on their importance, and explain how they are made.

What Is a Secondary Reference Gas Mixture?

Secondary reference gas mixtures are high-precision, traceable gas combinations produced and certified by accredited calibration professionals. They are common for verifying and calibrating gas sensors, detectors, and analytical instruments in industries like environmental monitoring, energy production, and chemical manufacturing. Secondary reference gas mixtures ensure top-notch performance of instruments and contribute to efficiency and regulatory compliance.

How Are Secondary Reference Gas Mixtures Developed?

The process of creating a secondary reference gas mixture begins with calibration gas suppliers selecting high-purity gases to use. They then introduce these primary components into specialized blending equipment in a controlled environment to ensure precision. The resulting mixture is analyzed and confirmed against the appropriate reference standards. Finally, they package the mixtures into cylinders specifically designed to extend the shelf life of the gas and protect its stability.

Why Use Secondary Reference Gas Mixtures?

Many industries opt for secondary reference gas mixtures for several reasons:

Quality Assurance

These mixtures are developed by accredited calibration professionals with extensive experience in producing high-quality gas mixtures. They follow strict quality standards and comply with principles in their industries, ensuring good quality across the board.


The production and certification of secondary reference gas mixtures involves rigorous documentation and traceability. This ensures you can trace the mixtures back to primary reference materials and standards, which is crucial for compliance with regulations and quality management systems.


Primary reference gas mixtures provide high accuracy, but they are expensive. Secondary reference gas mixtures balance cost and accuracy, making them more cost-effective in many applications.


Secondary reference gas mixtures are more readily available than primary reference mixtures, making them an ideal choice for industries with short lead times or small-scale projects.

Calibration Gas Suppliers and Ongoing Maintenance

Working alongside reliable calibration gas suppliers is crucial when using secondary reference gas mixtures in your process. Safe storage, handling, and transportation of these mixtures are essential for maintaining their stability and extending their shelf life. Additionally, regular calibration checks and instrument diagnostics can prolong the life of your analytical instruments.

By understanding the role of secondary reference gas mixtures and the expertise behind them, you can better ensure the accuracy and reliability of gas measurements while meeting industry standards.